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Energy Union tour
Vice-President Šefcovic is visiting EU countries to present the opportunities that the Energy Union offers for Europe. The list of countries below are those he will visit over the next few months. Each completed visit comes with a presentation of the benefits of the Energy Union for that particular country. More visits will be added over time.
<div class="featured-item">
<a href="#" class="wrapping-link" title="Energy Union tour">
<span class="sr-only">Energy Union tour</span>
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<img src="https://picsum.photos/590/450"/>
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<span class="meta__item meta__item--type">announcement</span>
<span class="meta__item"><span class="date-display-single">21 December 2016</span></span>
<h3 class="featured-item__title">Energy Union tour</h3>
Vice-President Šefcovic is visiting EU countries to present the opportunities that the Energy Union offers for
Europe. The list of countries below are those he will visit over the next few months. Each completed visit comes
with a presentation of the benefits of the Energy Union for that particular country. More visits will be added
over time.
14.2 #featured-item.2 Featured item extended
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Energy Union tour
Vice-President Šefcovic is visiting EU countries to present the opportunities that the Energy Union offers for Europe. The list of countries below are those he will visit over the next few months. Each completed visit comes with a presentation of the benefits of the Energy Union for that particular country. More visits will be added over time.
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<img src="https://picsum.photos/590/450"/>
<div class="featured-item__content">
<h3>Energy Union tour</h3>
Vice-President Šefcovic is visiting EU countries to present the opportunities that the Energy Union offers for Europe. The list of countries below are those he will visit over the next few months. Each completed visit comes with a presentation of the benefits of the Energy Union for that particular country. More visits will be added over time.
<a href="#" class="btn btn-ctn">Link Button</a>