

To list all available tasks, please run:

docker-composer exec web ./vendor/bin/run

See bellow current list of available commands:

Available commands:
  completion                         Dump the shell completion script
  config                             Dumps the current or given configuration.
  help                               Display help for a command
  list                               List commands
  check:abandoned                    Check abandoned components.
  check:composer                     Check composer packages.
  check:configuration                Check project configuration.
  check:development                  Check development components.
  check:evaluation                   Check Evaluation components.
  check:insecure                     Check insecure components.
  check:mandatory                    Check mandatory components.
  check:outdated                     Check outdated components.
  check:recommended                  Check recommended components.
  check:unsupported                  Check unsupported components.
  docker:refresh-configuration       [dk-rc] Update docker-compose.yml file based on project's configurations.
  drupal:check-permissions           Command to check the forbidden permissions.
  drupal:check-sanitisation-classes  Command to check existence of Sanitisation classes.
  drupal:check-sanitisation-fields   Command to check fields for sanitisation.
  drupal:config-import               Run the Drupal config import.
  drupal:disable-cache               Disable aggregation and clear cache.
  drupal:drush-setup                 Write Drush configuration file at "${drupal.root}/drush/drush.yml".
  drupal:permissions-setup           Setup Drupal permissions.
  drupal:settings-setup              Setup Drupal settings.php file in compliance with Toolkit conventions.
  drupal:site-install                [drupal:si|dsi] Install target site.
  drupal:site-post-install           Run Drupal post-install commands.
  drupal:site-pre-install            Run Drupal pre-install commands.
  drupal:symlink-project             Symlink project as module, theme or profile in the proper directory.
  drupal:upgrade-status              [tdus] Check project compatibility for Drupal 9/10 upgrade.
  toolkit:build-assets               [tk-assets|tba] Build theme assets (Css and Js).
  toolkit:build-assets-dist          Run the toolkit:build-assets for distribution
  toolkit:build-dev                  [tk-bdev] Build site for local development.
  toolkit:build-dev-reset            [tk-bdev-reset] Build site for local development from scratch with a clean git.
  toolkit:build-dist                 [tk-bdist] Build the distribution package.
  toolkit:check-phpcs-requirements   Make sure that the config file exists and configuration is correct.
  toolkit:check-version              Check the Toolkit version.
  toolkit:code-review                Execute all or specific tools for static testing.
  toolkit:complock-check             Check if 'composer.lock' exists on the project root folder.
  toolkit:component-check            Check composer for components that are not whitelisted/blacklisted.
  toolkit:create-dump                [tk-cdump] Export the local snapshot.
  toolkit:download-dump              [tk-ddump] Download database snapshot.
  toolkit:fix-permissions            Run script to fix permissions (experimental).
  toolkit:hooks-delete-all           [tk-hdel] Remove all existing hooks, this will ignore active hooks list.
  toolkit:hooks-disable              [tk-hdis] Disable the git hooks.
  toolkit:hooks-enable               [tk-hen] Enable the git hooks defined in the configuration or in given option.
  toolkit:hooks-list                 [tk-hlist] List available hooks and its status.
  toolkit:hooks-run                  [tk-hrun] Run a specific hook.
  toolkit:import-config              [DEPRECATED] Run the Drupal config import.
  toolkit:install-clean              [tk-iclean] Install a clean website.
  toolkit:install-clone              [tk-iclone] Install a clone website.
  toolkit:install-dependencies       Install packages present in the opts.yml file under extra_pkgs section.
  toolkit:install-dump               [tk-idump] Import the production snapshot.
  toolkit:lint-js                    [tk-js|tljs] Run lint JS.
  toolkit:lint-php                   [tk-php|tlp] Run lint PHP.
  toolkit:lint-yaml                  [tk-yaml|tly] Run lint YAML.
  toolkit:notifications              [tk-notifications] Display Toolkit notifications.
  toolkit:opts-review                [tk-opts-review] Check project's .opts.yml file for forbidden commands.
  toolkit:patch-download             [tk-pd] Download remote patches into a local directory.
  toolkit:patch-list                 [tk-pl] Lists remote patches from the root composer.json.
  toolkit:requirements               [tk-req] Check the Toolkit Requirements.
  toolkit:run-blackfire              [tk-bfire|tbf] Run Blackfire.
  toolkit:run-deploy                 [tk-deploy] Run deployment sequence.
  toolkit:run-gitleaks               [tk-gitleaks] Executes the Gitleaks.
  toolkit:run-phpcbf                 [tk-phpcbf] Run PHP code autofixing.
  toolkit:setup-behat                Setup the Behat file.
  toolkit:setup-blackfire-behat      Copy the needed resources to run Behat with Blackfire.
  toolkit:setup-eslint               Setup the ESLint configurations and dependencies.
  toolkit:setup-phpcs                Setup PHP code sniffer.
  toolkit:setup-phpunit              Setup the PHPUnit file.
  toolkit:test-behat                 [tk-behat|tb] Run Behat tests.
  toolkit:test-phpcs                 [tk-phpcs] Run PHP code sniffer.
  toolkit:test-phpmd                 [tk-phpmd] Run PHPMD.
  toolkit:test-phpstan               [tk-phpstan] Run PHPStan.
  toolkit:test-phpunit               [tk-phpunit|tp] Run PHPUnit tests.
  toolkit:vendor-list                Check 'Vendor' packages being monitored.

Creating custom commands

To provide custom commands, make sure that your classes are loaded, for example using PSR-4 namespacing set the autoload in the composer.json file.

  "autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
      "My\\Project\\": "./src/"

Create your command class under src/TaskRunner/Commands that will extend the abstract Toolkit command, like:

namespace My\Project\TaskRunner\Commands;

use EcEuropa\Toolkit\TaskRunner\AbstractCommands;

class ExampleCommands extends AbstractCommands {
  /** @command example:first-command */
  public function commandOne() { }

For more detail, check the consolidation/annotated-command documentation.

Passing default options for a command

You can pass default values for the command options, for that you need to define a configuration file, and import it as shown below.

# config/commands/config.yml
        output: false
namespace My\Project\TaskRunner\Commands;

use EcEuropa\Toolkit\TaskRunner\AbstractCommands;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;

class ExampleCommands extends AbstractCommands {
  public function getConfigurationFile() {
    return __DIR__ . '/../../../config/commands/config.yml';

   * @command example:first-command
   * @option output This is a test option
  public function commandOne($options = [
    'output' => InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED
  ]) { }

Creating configuration commands

Configuration commands are created in the configuration file runner.yml, like shown below:

    - { task: process, source: behat.yml.dist, destination: behat.yml }

    aliases: test
    description: 'Setup the behat file'
    help: 'Some help text'
    hidden: false
    usage: '--simulate'
      - { task: process, source: behat.yml.dist, destination: behat.yml }

The configuration commands are a mapping to the Robo Tasks, the list of available tasks is:

Task Robo Task
mkdir FilesystemStack
touch FilesystemStack
copy FilesystemStack
copyDir FilesystemStack
chmod FilesystemStack
chgrp FilesystemStack
chown FilesystemStack
remove FilesystemStack
rename FilesystemStack
symlink FilesystemStack
mirror FilesystemStack
process Process
append Write with append()
run Executes a Runner task
exec Exec
drush Executes a Drush command
replace-block ReplaceBlock

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