
Term Definition
Group A group with a certain amount of allocated resources which group members can use to deploy service. A user can be member of one or more groups, however they must be a member of at least one to deploy a service
Resources CPU, RAM, and/or Storage
Service Data science service such as Jupyter Lab or RStudio
Deployments Data science workload instances which a user has launched from the service catalog
Secrets Credentials or other secret values used to authenticate to a deployment
Storage Storage solutions used to store a users data
EFS Elastic File Storage is AWS's file sharing solution, this is the persistent network file system disk option which is the deployments
MinIO Open source object storage solution, an option for the user to login and use S3 compatible storage. The user can create a bucket and then manage it either through the CLI or the UI.
S3 Simple Storage Service is AWS's object storage solution to store a variety of data types and formats, can be used as ingestion layer or data lake for example