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MinIO is a high performance and very fast object storage, enabling any workload to run on MinIO from advanced analytics to AI/ML. Use MinIO to build your high performance infrastructure for machine learning, analytics and application data workloads.



Find below some of the main features of MinIO:

  • Distributed object storage
  • Cloud native architecture (features such as identity & access management, versioning, scalability, monitoring, tearing, scalability, and replication)
  • MinIO integrates with cloud native solutions providing features such as load balancing, event notification, caching capability, ...
  • MinIO integrates with the leading analytics and machine learning frameworks (e.g., Apache Spark, Elasticserach, ...)

Use Cases#

Find below some examples of possible use cases:

  • Storing data backups and restoring data from the object storage
  • Migrating your on-premise data to cloud native MinIO
  • Data source used for data analytics and machine learning


Find below some interesting links providing more information on MinIO: